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What happens if I need further assistance?

Welbeck Street, London

  • Internal disputes resolution procedure

    You should contact the Trustee setting out your complaint by:
    Post:The Pearson Pension Plan,
    PO Box 645, Darlington, DL1 9HP
    Pearson contact details

    Please note that although your complaint will be received by the pensions team it will be passed to the Trustee for consideration.

    Please provide:

    • Your full name, address, date of birth and National Insurance number
    • A statement that you want your complaint to be considered under the disputes resolution procedure
    • A statement as to the nature of your disagreement, with details showing why you feel aggrieved, along with any supporting documents
    • If you are the dependant of a member who has died, your relationship to the member and the member’s full name, address, date of birth and National Insurance number
    • If you are being represented, your representative’s full name, address and profession

    The letter should state whether you would like correspondence about the matter to be sent to your address or your representative’s address, and the letter must be signed by you or your representative.

    The Trustee will consider your complaint and will write to you telling you of its decision within two months. If a response cannot be sent within two months, you will be given an explanation for the delay and an expected date for the Trustee’s decision.

  • External resolution

    You have the right to refer your complaint to The Pensions Ombudsman free of charge.

    The Pensions Ombudsman deals with complaints and disputes which concern the administration and/or management of occupational and personal pension schemes.

    Contact with The Pensions Ombudsman about a complaint needs to be made within three years of when the event(s) you are complaining about happened – or, if later, within three years of when you first knew about it (or ought to have known about it). There is discretion for those time limits to be extended.

    The Pensions Ombudsman can be contacted at:

    Website: - This link opens in a new browser window
    Post:10 South Colonnade, Canary Wharf
    London, E14 4PU
    The Pensions Ombudsman contact details

    You can also submit a complaint form online: - This link opens in a new browser window

    If you have general requests for information or guidance concerning your pension arrangements, contact:

    Website: - This link opens in a new browser window
    Post:The Money and Pensions Service
    Holborn Centre, 120 Holborn
    London, EC1N 2TD
    Phone:01159 659570
    The Money and Pensions Service contact details
  • Group disputes

    It is possible that from time to time a problem may arise that affects several members in the same way. In such an event Pearson and the Trustee would initially seek to resolve the matter internally by using the steps outlined above, suitably adapted as necessary.

    If the internal procedure fails, it is likely, because the services of the Pensions Ombudsman are not available in group disputes that Pearson and/ or the Trustee would then seek to employ an external alternative dispute procedure of the type offered by the Centre for Dispute Resolution (CEDR).

  • Future changes

    The above procedure complies with the Pensions Act 2004.
    The Trustee reserves the right to make alterations to reflect experience and changes of circumstance or law.

    If you want more information about the disputes resolution procedure, there is a ‘Disputes Resolution Procedure’ leaflet available on the website in the library section.

    Alternatively, you can write to the Pensions Director:

    Post:The Pearson Pension Plan,
    PO Box 645, Darlington, DL1 9HP
    Pearson Pensions Director contact details

  • The Pensions Regulator

    The Pensions Regulator (TPR) is responsible for monitoring the running of occupational pension schemes. It can intervene where trustees, employers or professional advisers have failed in their duties.

    Website: - This link opens in a new browser window
    Post:Napier House
    Trafalgar Place Brighton
    BN1 4DW
    Phone:0870 606 3636
    The Pensions Regulator contact details
  • The Pension Tracing Service

    The Pension Tracing Service acts as a tracing agency for members of pension schemes who have lost touch with their former employers, or the trustees or providers of their previous schemes.

    Website: - This link opens in a new browser window
    Post:The Pension Service
    9 Mail Handling Site A
    Wolverhampton, WV98 1LU
    Phone:0345 6002 537
    The Pension Tracing Service contact details

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